Royal Documentary to Shed Light on Plight of Homeless and Rough Sleepers

Homelessness and rough sleeping is a rapidly deteriorating issue in England. While it may not dominate the headlines, the figures on the issue speak for themselves, with 2024 government estimates stating estimate that 3898 people were sleeping rough in England last year, an increase of over 25% from the previous years figures.

While the figures are abhorrent and the news genuinely bleak on the matter, a change in government has provided a dim light at the end of a very long tunnel for advocates of the problem. One advocate seeking to highlight the issue and garner public endorsement for decisive action is the future monarch.

Prince William and The Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales launched the innovative Homewards programme in 2023. The plan is described as “a transformative five-year, locally led programme that will aim to demonstrate that together it’s possible to end homelessness – making it rare, brief and unrepeated.” The program, which marked it’s one year anniversary in July of this year, has been active across Aberdeen; Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole; Lambeth; Newport; Northern Ireland and Sheffield building action plans to put Homewards’ six locations on a trajectory to end homelessness.

A year in, the project has made inroads and gained significant contributions and pledges from leading high street businesses. Leading home improvement retailer Homebase have committed to supporting innovative housing projects and securing 500 jobs for people experiencing homelessness, in collaboration with Pret A Manger.

The Prince will aim to shed light on the project and the plight of homelessness and rough sleepers in a two-part documentary series on ITV & ITVx this autumn. The series, titled "Prince William – We Can End Homelessness” (working title) will likely focus on the royal efforts on the issue. It is a good time for the Royal Family to garner some positive public support. However, even if the primary objective of the program is to highlight their efforts and importance, it will still garner significant public attention to the cause.

The issue of homelessness and rough sleeping rarely reaches the front page in the UK, especially with global elections, international conflicts and ongoing racist riots in the news cycle. With this in mind, one thing the royal family are undeniably skilled at is gaining attention.

In a particularly tumultuous time for rough sleepers, with far-right rioters attempting to set fire to hotels housing homeless asylum seekers and general numbers on the rise, a documentary series on primetime TV with one of the worlds most recognisable figures should provide a large platform to outline their daily struggle.

The documentary was directed by former BAFTA winner Leo Burley, who emphasised that the series will show the atrocious situations faced by many across the UK. "From street homelessness in Newport, to families living in temporary accommodation in Sheffield, and youth homelessness in Aberdeen, the documentary paints a picture of homelessness across the UK today, working with many people who never expected to experience life without a place to call home.”

An exact release date has not yet been announced, however it will be in Autumn of this year. We will have to wait and see the extent to which this documentary is an accurate depiction of the plight and how much of it is royal self-promotion. Regardless, if it increases public awareness and support for significant government action, it is definitely a positive step.


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