Supporting male victims of domestic abuse
Domestic abuse is unacceptable irrespective of gender, sexual identity or sexual orientation. The Empower Project is here to provide a confidential service to all men affected by it.
Male victims, and survivors, can access the service at any time, even if they are still in the relationship. Specialist advisors can provide emotional and practical support around all aspects of domestic abuse, including housing, alongside access to our specialist counselling service.
Types of Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse is commonly thought of as involving violence of some description, however, this is not necessarily the case. Although acts of violence may occur the statutory definition of domestic abuse, as laid down by government legislation, is behaviour by one individual aged over 16 towards another aged over 16, either as a single incident or repeatedly, consisting of any of the following;
Physical or sexual abuse
Violent or threatening behaviour
Controlling or coercive behaviour
Economic abuse
Psychological, emotional or other abuse.
Should you be experiencing any of the above, or be worried about anyone you feel is, then please get in touch with us either via the referral form on this website, on the telephone number 01707 502630, or email wendy@empowerproject.co.uk
All communications and information is kept in the strictest of confidence. The Empower Project team are based in Hatfield, Hertfordshire and, whilst access to the service is nationwide, some face-to-face services are only available locally. We are also happy to work on Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp Video or Teams.